Discover Slovak folklore and traditions
Alright, alright, alright. Slovakia hasn´t produced many internationally renowned writers, nor has it produced a Nobel Prize winner. People here have historically been too busy with agriculture, crafts, and shepherding. However, there’s a silver lining to this. The traditional rural way of life has been rich in preserving and promoting traditions, particularly in the realm of folklore music, and dresses! At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the Slovak costume had around 60 variants and sub-variants. There were thousands of folk songs and hundreds of customs.
Isolation leading to diversity
Slovakia is characterized by its hard terrain, full of canyons, dense forests, mountains, and challenging landscapes. This geographical character resulted in the fact that many villages were very isolated. Many of them did not interact with each other so often. However, this isolation led to an incredibly diverse tapestry of folklore, music, and dialects. Despite being mere kilometers apart, neighboring villages often had distinct songs, attire, and customs. Those who are into folklore are amazed by this wealth of Slovak cultural diversity.
Listen up!
The Eden of Slovak folklore and traditions – Music Festival Východná
If you’re eager to immerse yourself in Slovak folklore music, don’t miss out on the largest festival of its kind. Held in July beneath the Tatra mountains, in the charming village of Východná, this event promises breathtaking music, vibrant folklore, cherished traditions, lovely women, and robust men.
Spend your money wisely
If you want to bring an original souvenir from Slovakia don´t waste your budget on kitsch. If you are into authentic and valuable souvenirs, either buy from Úľuv – an organization uniting traditional producers or find your craftsmen. My advice: Buy either koncovka which is a Slovak duct-blown overtone fipple flute or if you have extra budget, go for fujara – a sophisticated folk shepherd’s overtone fipple flute of unique design in the contrabass range. As you can see, you can use both freely – in any music.
If you want to know more about Slovak folklore and traditions, contact us and we can discuss it on a guided tour of Košice or a tailor-made trip around Slovakia.
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